
Chrome OS compile tips

(cr) ((973d34b...)) beta4better@demo2014 ~/trunk/src/scripts $ ./image_to_vm.sh --from=../build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1 --board=veyron_mighty
~/trunk/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1 ~/trunk/src/scripts
Resizing stateful partition to 3072MB
STATE: recovering journal
STATE: 22323/65536 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 68750/262144 blocks
resize2fs 1.42 (29-Nov-2011)
Resizing the filesystem on /tmp/tmp.aTaRJrItX9/stateful to 786432 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /tmp/tmp.aTaRJrItX9/stateful is now 786432 blocks long.

1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000261448 s, 2.0 MB/s
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00017299 s, 3.0 MB/s
WARNING: Primary GPT header is invalid
WARNING: Secondary GPT header is invalid
       start        size    part  contents
	   0           1          PMBR (Boot GUID: 5AE78A59-2B4B-D04A-8F8F-1ADE7B9C1B47)
	   1           1          Pri GPT header
	   2          32          Pri GPT table
     8671232     6291456       1  Label: "STATE"
	                          Type: Linux data
	                          UUID: 9459D09F-2F68-E74F-883D-5B73892A7B75
       20480       32768       2  Label: "KERN-A"
	                          Type: ChromeOS kernel
	                          UUID: 5297CA9A-1F68-8946-8474-1FC395C2B73B
	                          Attr: priority=15 tries=15 successful=0
     4476928     4194304       3  Label: "ROOT-A"
	                          Type: ChromeOS rootfs
	                          UUID: 1B8A5730-8494-DE4C-83CF-1FFD7A4C2510
       53248       32768       4  Label: "KERN-B"
	                          Type: ChromeOS kernel
	                          UUID: 814F9BD2-8659-0A4F-8CD7-B7A30BF38418
	                          Attr: priority=0 tries=0 successful=0
      282624     4194304       5  Label: "ROOT-B"
	                          Type: ChromeOS rootfs
	                          UUID: C80AF41B-9F0B-7E41-A3D1-34FB416049CD
       16448           1       6  Label: "KERN-C"
	                          Type: ChromeOS kernel
	                          UUID: 2168E3A5-0D97-F848-B7C6-FF3365604157
	                          Attr: priority=0 tries=0 successful=0
       16449           1       7  Label: "ROOT-C"
	                          Type: ChromeOS rootfs
	                          UUID: A883F751-FF6A-A646-BFF5-7C31F3585C98
       86016       32768       8  Label: "OEM"
	                          Type: Linux data
	                          UUID: 14839477-6D28-4140-97BC-70C7120C0057
       16450           1       9  Label: "reserved"
	                          Type: ChromeOS reserved
	                          UUID: EED20EBC-6EC1-1E4C-8297-0DFCAAB01EE9
       16451           1      10  Label: "reserved"
	                          Type: ChromeOS reserved
	                          UUID: D979C7D9-8F35-B145-9DD8-7AD72222E0A3
	  64       16384      11  Label: "RWFW"
	                          Type: ChromeOS firmware
	                          UUID: F768E2DE-0366-F449-81D9-11A54F4CD6D1
      249856       32768      12  Label: "EFI-SYSTEM"
	                          Type: EFI System Partition
	                          UUID: 5AE78A59-2B4B-D04A-8F8F-1ADE7B9C1B47
    14995359          32          Sec GPT table
    14995391           1          Sec GPT header
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 byte (1 B) copied, 0.0104469 s, 0.1 kB/s
INFO    : Boot-time configuration for /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1: 
INFO    :   --board=veyron_mighty
INFO    :   --image_type=usb
INFO    :   --arch="arm"
INFO    :   --keys_dir="/usr/share/vboot/devkeys"
INFO    :   --boot_args="noinitrd"
INFO    :   --nocleanup_dirs
INFO    :   --verity_algorithm=sha1
INFO    :   --enable_serial=""
INFO    :   --loglevel="7"
INFO    :   
INFO    :   
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1 byte (1 B) copied, 8.1381e-05 s, 12.3 kB/s
Setting up symlinks for /usr/local for /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/stateful_dir/dev_image
INFO    : Image specified by /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1 mounted at /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/rootfs_dir successfully.
INFO    : DEBUG: use recovery keyblock
INFO    : rootfs is 313344 blocks of 4096 bytes
INFO    : Generating root fs hash tree (salt '96889d2abe19dc125cc84cd3586880d5d3cfae55bdd7a830ef88a13650c330fa').
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] Setting block_count 313344
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] Setting depth to 3.
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 0 entries: 1
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 1 entries: 20
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 2 entries: 2448
INFO    : device mapper configuration: dm="1 vroot none ro 1,0 2506752 verity payload=ROOT_DEV hashtree=HASH_DEV hashstart=2506752 alg=sha1 root_hexdigest=a052963c7504fd91126fa4f1a3c116a8e706ab5d salt=96889d2abe19dc125cc84cd3586880d5d3cfae55bdd7a830ef88a13650c330fa"
INFO    : Emitted cross-platform boot params to /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/boot.config
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000288379 s, 1.8 MB/s
Key block:
  Size:                0xcb8
  Flags:               11  !DEV DEV REC
  Data key algorithm:  11 RSA8192 SHA512
  Data key version:    1
  Data key sha1sum:    e78ce746a037837155388a1096212ded04fb86eb
  Size:                0xf348
  Header version:      2.0
  Kernel version:      1
  Body load address:   0x100000
  Body size:           0x3ea000
  Bootloader address:  0x4e9000
  Bootloader size:     0x1000
Body verification succeeded.
INFO    : Kernel partition image emitted: /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/vmlinuz.image
INFO    : Root filesystem hash emitted: /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/rootfs.hash
INFO    : rootfs is 313344 blocks of 4096 bytes
INFO    : Generating root fs hash tree (salt '96889d2abe19dc125cc84cd3586880d5d3cfae55bdd7a830ef88a13650c330fa').
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] Setting block_count 313344
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] Setting depth to 3.
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 0 entries: 1
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 1 entries: 20
dm:dm bht[DEBUG] depth: 2 entries: 2448
INFO    : device mapper configuration: dm="1 vroot none ro 1,0 2506752 verity payload=ROOT_DEV hashtree=HASH_DEV hashstart=2506752 alg=sha1 root_hexdigest=a052963c7504fd91126fa4f1a3c116a8e706ab5d salt=96889d2abe19dc125cc84cd3586880d5d3cfae55bdd7a830ef88a13650c330fa"
INFO    : Emitted cross-platform boot params to /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/boot.config
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00021673 s, 2.4 MB/s
Key block:
  Size:                0x4b8
  Flags:               7  !DEV DEV !REC
  Data key algorithm:  4 RSA2048 SHA256
  Data key version:    1
  Data key sha1sum:    d6170aa480136f1f29cf339a5ab1b960585fa444
  Size:                0xfb48
  Header version:      2.0
  Kernel version:      1
  Body load address:   0x100000
  Body size:           0x3ea000
  Bootloader address:  0x4e9000
  Bootloader size:     0x1000
Body verification succeeded.
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
65536 bytes (66 kB) copied, 0.000260453 s, 252 MB/s
INFO    : Kernel partition image emitted: /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/hd_vmlinuz.image
INFO    : Root filesystem hash emitted: /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/rootfs.hash
INFO    : Kernel image A   size is 4169728 bytes.
INFO    : Kernel image B   size is 4169728 bytes.
INFO    : Kernel partition A size is 16777216 bytes.
INFO    : Kernel partition B size is 16777216 bytes.
INFO    : Appending rootfs.hash (10113024 bytes) to the root fs
INFO    : Unmounting image from /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/stateful_dir and /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/rootfs_dir
Cleaning up /usr/local symlinks for /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/stateful_dir/dev_image
WARNING : umount failed, but devices were unmounted anyway
WARNING : umount failed, but devices were unmounted anyway
Creating final image
Created image at /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1
If you have qemu-kvm installed, you can start the image by:
sudo kvm -m 1024 -vga cirrus -pidfile /tmp/kvm.pid -net nic,model=virtio -net user,hostfwd=tcp::9222-:22 \
-hda /mnt/host/source/src/build/images/veyron_mighty/R41-6513.0.2014_11_26_1334-a1/chromiumos_qemu_image.bin

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