
Blog language: Chinese or English

Why do I have so strange question?

Simple, the operating system is not Windows, as it’s expensive, very very expensive in China. And in China, there seems no one want to pay to Microsoft for Windows, there’s some special edition fo Windows in China, called D-edition.

I install Windows 7 professional on my PC at home, which I used as a amusement station, watching some video or playing some games, such as the World of Warcraft. On my laptop, I install Linux, which is free to use, and there’s many many free software to choose. The only pity is that I cannot play the World of Warcraft using Linux now.

So I am using Linux now, the Debian Squeeze. Sure I install the Chinese input method - scim-pinyin. And I do some ajust to display Chinese character correctly. Now everything goes well but not so good as under the Windows operating system. And there’s also some problem between the emacs and scim, I have to use LAND=zh.CN_UTF8 emacs to lanch the emacs to input Chinese.

Chinese is my first language, English is the second. It is not so easy for to write blog using English I have to say, not so well compare with Chinese. But the post wrote with Chinese is not so carelly express my opinion too.

So I choose to use English as my blog language.

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