
Install Debian Squeeze on ThinPad X201i


ThinkPad X201i is a 12inch laptop without CD-ROM, so I have to use the USB disk to install the operating system.

ThinkPad X201i Spec:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU U3400 @ 1.07GHz
  • Memory: 2GB upgrade to 8GB
  • HD: WDC WD2500BEVT-08A23T1

I really want upgrade the HD to SSD, but not allowed yet.


  • Debian Squeeze: debian-6.0.3-amd64-businesscard.iso

Boot tool:

  • UNetBoot: unetbootin-windows-563.exe
  • USB Disk

I use the windows version of UNetBoot, as the linux editon seems not work well.

Write the debian-6.0.3-amd64-businesscard.iso to USB disk, boot the laptop with the USB disk, choose expert mode to install Debian using the stable edition: Squeeze. I also try the testing version, diff greatly, I used to Squeeze and Lenny.

Just install the base system, and then boot to the operating system, continous to install the other wares.

Desktop Enviroment

The command line mode is OK for server, but not so convenient for daily use. So the desktop enviroment is necessary, I choose the xfce4, light and quick. Install xfce4 is easy, just type:

sudo aptitude install xfce4

If you want to use some tools provided by xfce4, such as get the temp of HDD type:

sudo aptitude install xfce4-goodies

Then you can get the temp of you disk using :

sudo hddtemp /dev/sda
/dev/sda: WDC WD2500BEVT-08A23T1: 34°C

If you do not want to type startx after you login, install the xdm:

sudo aptitude install xdm

There are many display manager, such as gdm or slim, xdm is just simple enough for my use.

Now you get a working linux desktop system. Help yourself!

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